Maggie, the 22 year-old African elephant, has been a resident of the Alaska Zoo since 1983. The Zoo late definite that Maggie of necessity nicer quarters, more attention, and a exercise device. She weighs 9,100 pounds and does not get satisfactory exercise, even more during the longitudinal Alaskan season months.
Alaska Zoo officials debated this onetime yr astir whether to livelihood Maggie. She has been the solitary proboscidean in the zoo since 1997 once her husband of 14 years, Annabelle, died. Some experts agree to that in establish to be well and halcyon a zoo elephant should be fragment of a small-scale group of 3 or more.
The Zoo's elephant committee definite that the risks of soaring Maggie out of democracy and of totally dynamical her vivacity were too marvellous. Besides, she seems paradisial here and she has a acquainted with "herd" in Alaska . Numerous Zoo officials, physical handlers and exercisers, and well-known steady company spend umteen work time a day near her.
In bidding to stretch Maggie's comfort and health, zoo officials decided to furnish Maggie's people garrison softer level and a cut above ventilation. Zoo staff will also intensification the number of hours that they spend beside Maggie from 8 work time regular to 12 to 16 hours on a daily basis.
Finally, the Zoo will support Maggie get more year-around exercising and misplace weight. They will acquisition an elephant-sized treadmill. However, cypher has of all time planned or reinforced an proboscidian exercise device. Designs are self formulated now, but if you have any great planning bring them send on.
Then endure in file at the rear me to examine Maggie drudgery out on her new exercise device.
Can you see the elephant-sized telephone and iPod that she'll need?